Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How it All Ends

As Mr. Craven mentions in his video from YouTube (see below), the temperature will increase thanks to global warming. Most model still predict a few degrees. There is another problem which most do not know about - Global Dimming. I'll let you watch this BBC documentary for yourself (you can watch for free on the internet, youtube, & I've uploaded it on my - I'll just hit the highlights that scared the *%$@ out of me.

After 911, all planes were grounded. One climatologist out in the upper midwest got on the ball as, "the skies were too blue." His thing has always been chem trails and the possible harm that they do to our atm (atmosphere). He found that the temperature spiked over 3 degrees Fahrenheit in that 3 day period. That's over 1 degree Celsius. Therefore, the chem trails are actually protecting us from the worst of global warming. Also, when the oil runs out (10-20 years) we are in deep kimshee. If the temp spiked 3 degrees F in 3 days in September in the upper midwest (Canadian border area), what will the climate be like elsewhere in the middle of summer? As another one who is also studying climate, this news is HOT... this "few degrees" is astronomical from a climate perspective.

There is also other evidence supporting this phenomenon that is being called Global Dimming. Scientists from not only our guy in the upper midwest, but in Germany, Israel, the Maldives and Australia identified this phenomenon prior to 911. Watch the BBC documentary.... please. Then help us to change the net metering laws across the nation so that all may hook up their renewable energy devices (solar arrays on the roof, solar carports, solar parking lots, backyard wind turbines, or wind turbines lining the drive to the house) to the grid. Not only do we have about 10 years to change our climate around from an atmospheric viewpoint, we've also got about that amount of time (perhaps a little longer) before the oil runs out (that is called "Peak Oil" and there is a lot of information about it on the internet too).

There is a report called "Freeing the Grid" that rates each states net metering and interconnection regulations. You may find it here:

North Carolina's grade is a F for net metering. The state's Utility Commission is obviously in bed with the Utility companies for the net metering regulations are set up to protect the utility company's profit margin. If, as a country, we are investing billions into upgrading our national grid, then that grid belongs to all of us, not the utility companies. (Plus didn't the government install it in the first place?)

Take action, ya'll. Get on those email action alerts and send in those emails. They DO make a difference. Make some noise! This is our life...........

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